How to Apply to PCRI

Who can get access to the PCRI databases?

PCRI databases are only available to approved researchers. To become an approved researcher, researchers must submit a research proposal for review by the PCRI Research Advisory Committee. This Committee will only accept proposals from academics associated with accredited colleges and universities who are conducting academic research, other types of not-for-profit organizations that conduct research, or research groups of government organizations. The PCRI databases may not be used for commercial purposes.

How are the PCRI databases compiled and accessed?

PCRI databases are developed by PCRI staff, building off licensed proprietary databases, data from custodians and GPs, and own research. As such, the PCRI databases will be anonymized. Approved researchers will only be able to see data without information on fund and transaction names. In addition, the PCRI databases will be kept behind a secure firewall at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. Approved researchers will access the PCRI databases through thin clients supplied by the NORC and will analyze the data using statistical software programs on site.